On a more personal topic: I got an email from my publisher, Swimming Kangaroo Books, last night letting me know that the Advance Reader Copies of Warrior’s Duty are off to Publisher’s Weekly and Library Journal. They also sent one to my local daily, The Oregonian. I’m both thrilled and Read more…


Outlining a novel. Put any two novelists together, bring up that subject and you’re likely to start an argument. Personally, I’m firmly in the non-outlining camp. I tried outlining which led to a horrible, stinking novel that got firmly trunked. It just didn’t work for me which is what I Read more…

The Writer as Cash Cow

RANT WARNING! I get really tired of all of the people who treat aspiring writers like cash cows. Whether it’s people who write books and articles about how self-publishing is taking over the industry (Ha!), to the self-publishing companies that pretend they’ll actually help market or that it’s so easy Read more…

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is in serious trouble and I’m thoroughly disgusted. There is no excuse for a company to have been dragged into financial trouble the way HMH is. No, it isn’t that books aren’t selling. Book sales on Amazon are up substantially and while they were down at Barnes Read more…