I apologize for a lengthy absence. I’ve been very concerned with getting “settled in” with a new agent and finishing up a new manuscript for him to “shop”. I’ll try to do better in the It is for this reason http://www.icks.org/html/06_bylaws.php cialis online overnight has been manufactured and launched in Read more…

I want to welcome Universality of Cheese back to the blogosphere. I admire a man who stands up for what he believes in, especially in the face of the attacks he has received. My US readers won’t be aware of the brouhaha going on in Scotland over political blogging. If Read more…

Blogging and Censorship

It has come to my attention that several bloggers in Scotland have recently come under attack for openly criticizing politicians and journalists. They have even had their jobs threatened for their remarks. This is absolutely blatant censorship. Mind you, none of their remarks have been proven untrue, although I suppose Read more…